WEMC Successfully Hosts 4th International Conference on Energy & Meteorology (ICEM) in Bari, Italy

The World Energy & Meteorology Council (WEMC) has successfully hosted the 4th International Conference on Energy & Meteorology (ICEM) in Bari, Italy. The conference was hosted at the beautiful Villa Romanazzi from 27 – 29 June with a pre-conference seminar on Monday 26 June. The conference attracted nearly 200 delegates from 29 countries and included an equal mix of academic, industry and student attendees.

The conference was opened by professor Alberto Troccoli, Chair and ICEM 2017 Convener / Managing Director WEMC. The opening plenary session on day 1 also included talks by Domenico Laforgia – Head of Economic Development, Innovation, Education and Vocational Training Department of the Apulia Region; Christine Lins – Executive Secretary of REN21; Florence Rabier – Director-General of ECMWF and Giles Dickson – CEO of WindEurope.

Days 2 and 3 continued on the same high quality level with plenary presentations from Charles Smith – Executive Director, Utility Variable-Generation Integration Group (UVIG); Vera Silva – Program Director, Electricity Systems and Markets, EDF; Qingchen Chao – Deputy Director-General and Professor of Beijing Climate Center and Andrea Steiner – Research Scientist, German Weather Service (DWD).

The conference included a full programme of oral and poster presentations, workshops and panel sessions spread across the three days. The conference was proudly sponsored by EDF, RTE, Meteo France, Kipp & Zonen and UEA.

The conference presentations, posters and photos will be uploaded on the WEMC website shortly. Details about the next conference will also be released soon!

For further information about the International Conferences on Energy & Meteorology please visit https://www.wemcouncil.org/wp/conferences/.


WEMC Membership
For information on WEMC Membership please visit www.wemcouncil.org/wp/about/membership/.
WEMC’s aim is to bring together top level businesses and experts in energy, weather and climate systems from around the world to discuss and share their experiences and research. We have established the WEMC’s Membership with the aim to increase collaboration and information sharing between these vital sectors.


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