The World Energy & Meteorology Council (WEMC) was set up to build on the growing knowledge and expertise in weather and climate risk management for the energy industry. Working with our partners and members worldwide, WEMC brings together experts from the energy and climate science communities, to collaborate and share knowledge that can help create more sustainable, resilient and efficient energy systems.


Current Projects


European Union H2020 Programme: September 2020 – (August) November 2024

Developing Sustainable Tailored Climate Services in the Southern African Development Community (SADC)

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European Union Horizon Europe Programme: September 2022 – August 2026

FOCI – Non-CO2 Forcers And Their Climate, Weather, Air Quality And Health Impacts

Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S)

Operational Service For The Energy Sector


Ongoing Collaborations


Completed Projects

Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S)

C3S Climate and Energy Education Demonstrator

Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S)

European Climatic Energy Mixes Demonstrator (ECEM)


Enhancing Tanzania’s Hydropower Production Through Advanced Climate Services

WEMC is partnering with the UK Met Office and Tanzania Meteorological Authority (TMA) to develop climate services for energy in Tanzania as part of the EU-funded  FOCUS-AFRICA project.  Hydropower is the largest source of renewable energy in Tanzania, utilising nine river basins. Our changing global climate and the potential impacts to hydropower-generated electricity systems need [...]

Advancing climate services for a sustainable future: WEMC’s role in tackling the energy transition

You may not be familiar with ‘climate services’ but will certainly know about climate change. WEMC are climate data specialists, we collect, analyse, and interpret data around our global climate, and then look for data-driven solutions to help inform decision-making aimed at tackling pressing climate issues for use by a variety of stakeholders. We focus [...]

Using Teal tool to understand climate patterns

The WEMC-developed free global climate data tool Teal was released in 2020 to help raise awareness of our changing climate. Four years on, it continues to attract a growing number of users across education and business. So why is it proving so popular? It’s user-friendly, visually appealing, and designed to be a useful climate data [...]

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