The start to 2021 for the WEMC team has been focused on education. We were part of two bids for initiatives supporting the EU Green Deal call for education to ‘enable young people to act on [...]
We were delighted to be part of a high-energy kick-off meeting this September launching the new FOCUS-Africa H2020 project, a 48-month, €7 million initiative funded by the European Commission. [...]
The World Energy & Meteorology Council (WEMC) has members across the globe, from a variety of backgrounds and expertise, doing work on a range of important issues to strengthen energy and [...]
Published: 26 August 2019 Sebastian Sterl (VUB) & Kit Rackley (WEMC/Geogramblings) What’s wrong with the weather? Why are scientists collectively sounding the alarm? Can individuals [...]
Over 200 energy and climate change experts from all over the world convened in Copenhagen recently for the sixth International Conference Energy & Meteorology (ICEM 2019).
As we approach our 6th International Conference Energy & Meteorology (ICEM), its convener Alberto Troccoli reflects on how a small ‘leap of faith’ has grown into a global platform for energy [...]
This webinar is part of the World Energy and Meteorology Council (WEMC) Special Interest Group on Data exchange, access and standards. Explore below for the programme, abstract and contextual [...]