Did you ever dream about assessing climate change like a scientist? With the Teal tool, now you can.
Climate change is not only a political or academic matter anymore. The number of global citizens concerned about the threat of climate change is increasing. Barriers still exist to free, [...]
TECH BLOG 8: How To Make Mapshaper Output Compatible With amCharts4, Using Python
William Boyer is a software engineer at WEMC. William works on creating the tools we produce at WEMC, helping bridge the gap between the energy industry and the wider climate science community. [...]
Free C3S Edu Demo online courses for teachers and educators through the Copernicus User Learning Service
Teachers, educators, and industry experts who engage in educational outreach can now access free online courses to learn about the capabilities of the Copernicus Climate Change Service Climate [...]
The C3S Edu Demo: Discover how it supports teachers in teaching GIS and climate change issues
The Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) Climate & Energy Education Demonstrator (C3S Edu Demo) is an interactive tool to help address climate change through education. Together with the [...]
C3S Edu Demo receives positive feedback at leading education and training events
On Friday 17th April 2020, WEMC’s Education & Program Officer and C3S Edu Demo Project Manager Kit Rackley presented the Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) Climate and Energy [...]
Update of the C3S Edu Demo GIS tool includes mobile compatibility
On Tuesday 5th May, the Copernicus Climate Change Service Climate & Energy Education Demonstrator (C3S Edu Demo) underwent a significant update and is now compatible with mobile devices. v1.5 [...]