who we are, what we do

The Reanalysis Working Group (RWG) is a self-organized initiative supported by WEMC, bringing together wind, power grid, and marine engineers and scientists. It facilitates collaboration between reanalysis centres and end-users to maximise the value of reanalysis data for the energy sector.

The RWG has four main goals:

  • Collection of user input and feedback
  • Reanalysis validation using sector-specific in-situ measurements, and incorporation of electric sector meteorological data into reanalysis products.
  • Fair and proper use of reanalysis for Wind Energy and Power System Modelling
  • Advocacy for reanalysis

The RWG is a spin-off from the International Energy Agency Wind Technology Collaboration Program (IEA Wind TCP) Topical Expert Meeting 111, held in April 2024.

The RWG is a mixed group of engineers and scientists, check our profiles below.

“The wind energy practitioners have shown great interest in co-developing the next-generation global reanalysis ERA6 from the European Union Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S). Being a user driven programme we were delighted by such an interest and openly engaged with them. As a consequence of this interaction, specific new products will be added, such as height-level data. The wind energy community has also provided us with key feedback on the test products we made publicly available for that purpose. We look forward to continued fruitful exchanges and welcome their support, as we are now in the last preparation stages for launching ERA6 production. Carlo Buontempo, Director of C3S.

  • Rémi Gandoin – C2Wind, Denmark
    Rémi Gandoin – C2Wind, Denmark Offshore wind engineer
  • Jacob Tornfeldt Sørensen DHI, Denmark
    Jacob Tornfeldt Sørensen DHI, Denmark Metocean (waves hydrodynamics) hindcast modelling
  • Justin Sharp
    Justin Sharp Renewable Energy and Meteorology Subject Matter Expert, EPRI, USA
  • Julia Gottschall
    Julia Gottschall Chief Scientist, Fraunhofer IWES, Germany
  • Rogier Floors
    Rogier Floors Senior Researcher at DTU Wind Energy
  • John Zack
    John Zack Principal consultant, MESO Inc., USA

Maximising reanalysis data value for energy sector use

The RWG is involved in the following projects:

Collection of user inputs: The RWG facilitates the collection of user inputs and feedback by reanalysis groups. This includes:

  • Keeping a list of up-to-date reanalysis in the making, including “hearing periods”, user input surveys and contact details. This list is regularly shared with end-users in the “Resources” section.
  • Support during collection of user input, via online meetings/workshops and polls.
  • Follow-ups and facilitation of user input intake.

Validation: The RWG facilitates the validation of reanalysis datasets using high quality, publicly available in-situ measurements. This includes:

  • Keeping a list of measurement datasets available for such validations, see the “Resources” section.
  • Support during validation exercises, via online meetings/workshops and polls.
  • Follow-ups and facilitation of user input intake.

Fair and proper use: The expert group issues a guideline providing minimum requirements for critical applications which require certification, or with large scale implications for infrastructure planning, regarding documentation, traceability, validation, data processing and usage.

Advocacy: The RWG participates to high-level user consultations regarding reanalysis applications, conferences, public event where advocacy work is required

Reanalysis Working Group

Existing Reanalysis datasets

The go-to website for accessing exhaustive information on reanalyses and their applications is reanalyses.org.

upcoming reanalysis datasets

The RWG is actively monitoring the development of reanalysis datasets and is currently facilitating user input collection for the following reanalyses:

The ECMWF have released test batches (2 x 3 months) of ERA6 experiments, freely available under DOI for testing purposes. Feedback should be provided to the ECMWF on a private forum. Fore more information about how the RWG is involved in this testing initiative, please contact Rémi Gandoin rga@c2wind.com.

CATALOG of high quality in-situ measurements  for validation

Publicly available measurement datasets from the Wind Energy Assessment Group: a list of high quality, publicly available measurement datasets is provided on the WRAG’s wiki page under “Datasets“.

upcoming conferences

RWG members will contribute to the below conferences and workshops.

The RWG will lead a session focused on Reanalysis datasets at the 8th International Conference on Energy & Meteorology (ICEM 2025) organised by WEMC.

past conferences

RWG members participated to the below conferences and workshops.

Rémi Gandoin and Jacob Tornfeldt Sørensen attended the 6th WCRP International Conference on Reanalysis (ICR6) and presented the outcome the IEA Wind TEM#111 Reanalyses for Wind Energy, see the slides.

Rémi Gandoin attended NOAA’s Subseasonal and Seasonal Applications Workshop in September 2024 and presented the outcome the IEA Wind TEM#111 Reanalyses for Wind Energy, see the slides here.

Justin Sharp and Julia Gottschall presented the outcome of the TEM#111 was presented and discussed at the NAWEA WindTech 2024 side event: IEA Wind Task 51 Workshop on Extremes in the Power Systems.

The IEA Wind Topical Expert Meeting #111 “Reanalyses for Wind Energy” was held in Denmark in April 2024. Proceedings are available on the IEA Wind Task 11 website.

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