WEMC Member Blog: Prescient Weather’s World Climate Service launches “significant upgrade”

The World Energy & Meteorology Council (WEMC) has members across the globe, from a variety of backgrounds and expertise, doing work on a range of important issues to strengthen energy and meteorology education, research and collaboration. We welcome posts from our members communicating the fantastic work that they do. We are delighted to share with you this post written by Jan Dutton, a WEMC member who is CEO of Prescient Weather. If you are interested in becoming a WEMC member (it’s free!), find out more by clicking here.

Published: 19th December 2018

Jan Dutton (CEO Prescient Weather & WEMC Member). Edited by Kit Rackley.

Prescient Weather’s World Climate Service, an industry-leading provider of long-range weather and climate forecasts, announces the launch of a significant upgrade to its subseasonal forecast product. Subseasonal forecasts (2-6 weeks ahead) are increasingly sought after by weather-sensitive enterprises in diverse industry sectors. The product, launched this month, includes the following content and capability upgrades.

A complete ensemble dynamical multi-model forecast application…

The WCS subseasonal forecast application now includes multi-model anomaly and probability forecasts for impact variables including HDDs, CDDs, and solar insolation. The upgrade complements the previously available variables including temperature, precipitation, mean sea level pressure and wind speed. The CFSv2 and ECMWF models are included along with a proprietary skill-weighted blend creating a multi-model analysis.

…and complementary subseasonal analog forecast tool

Analog analysis is an important method that adds context and insight into any subseasonal forecast. The WCS subseasonal analog forecast tool enables users to analyze historical analogs based on a menu of subseasonal indices such as the MJO, NAO, PNA, and stratospheric polar vortex strength. This flexible, powerful interface provides a substantial statistical tool to complement the dynamical model guidance.

A medium-range teleconnection index forecast tool…

Forecasters pay close attention to teleconnection patterns, which help simplify and explain the atmospheric circulation. Teleconnection forecasts of 8 key indices are provided for the 00Z and 12Z runs of the GEFS, Canadian, and ECMWF ensemble dynamical models. The more frequent updates of the medium-range guidance provide forecasters with timely warning of potential changes to the subseasonal outlook.

…with SCAND and EA/WR subseasonal indices added

The Scandinavian (SCAND) and East Atlantic/West Russia (EA/WR) patterns have important impacts on European climate variability. The subseasonal product has been expanded to provide tracking and forecasting of these important indices.

For more information contact: Jan Dutton, CEO at jan.dutton@prescientweather.com 💡

Prescient Weather and WEMC are proud to be partners in the pursuit of enhancing and promoting the climate-energy nexus. Find out more about Prescient Weather, their work, and the services they provide at http://www.prescientweather.com/ 

Disclaimer: This post represents the views of the author and do not necessarily reflect the view of WEMC or any other agency, organization, employer or company.



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