We are delighted to announce there will be two special issue journals published in connection with ICEM 2019. Details are available below:

The Solar Energy Journal is pleased to offer a special issue of selected papers presented at the ICEM 2019. Papers covering the subject area ‘Solar Resources and Energy Meteorology’, a regular subject area in the Journal, will be considered for publication.
Solar Energy, published for the International Solar Energy Society by Elsevier, has a 5-year Impact Factor of 4.831 and a Cite Score of 5.24.
For further information, please contact Dr. David Renné who will serve as the Guest Editor of this special issue.

Meteorologische Zeitschrift (MetZet) cordially invites contributions from ICEM 2019 participants for a peer-reviewed, full OpenAccess ICEM-2019 Special Issue of MetZet.
Please submit your paper on any of the ICEM 2019 topics:
- Weather and Climate Services for Energy
- Energy resource assessment
- Forecasting for power-system applications
- Environmental impact of energy systems
- Weather and climate risk management
- Grid integration, storage, and smart grids
- Education/training programmes in energy and meteorology
- Key trends in energy and meteorology
- Energy policy, programmes and cross-sectorial issues
Please submit your contribution online by December 31, 2019 and select ‘ICEM 2019′ as the journal section when submitting your paper.
Key facts about MetZet:
- covered by Clarivate Analytics’ Web of Science® (formerly: ISI Web of Knowledge)
- 5-Yr Impact Factor: 2.648 (2017)
- Average citations per paper: 11.2
- Submission: online
- Converted to full OpenAccess in 2014
- listed in DOAJ (the Directory of Open Access Journals)