ICEM 2019 Workshop: IEA Task 36
Workshop Title: IEA Task 36 Open Space Workshop on Wind Power Forecasting and System integration Issues
When: Wednesday 26th June 16:15-18:00 CEST
Where: DTU Lyngby Meeting Centre, Building 101, Room S1
Conference pathway: International Energy Agency (IEA) Tasks 💡
Session description:
The IEA Wind Task 36 on Wind Power Forecasting connects several hundreds of meteorologists, wind power forecasters and end users towards the aim of improving the forecasts, and increasing the their value. In this workshop we use the open space technology to discuss the results from phase 1 and open up for ideas on how to achieve the objectives for the new phase 2.
Session lead:
Gregor Giebel
Senior Researcher, DTU Wind Energy
Schedule (click to expand):
The workshop starts with a brief overview of the structure of the Task and the major results of the recently concluded first phase. The major results include a Recommended Practices Guideline on forecast solution selection, an information portal (, and a review of the use of probabilistic forecasts in the power industry. In the next phase, it is planned to also look into uncertainty propagation, data and measurement handling in benchmarks and system operation, both from the meteorological side and the power forecast side. The details on how to achieve these objective is what we want to discuss with the workshop participants.
Open Space Topics
- Standards and Recommended Practices for Data exchange and IT solutions in power industry: where do we need them? (Mikkel Westenholz, ENFOR / George Kariniothakis, MINES Tech Paris)
- Meteorological Measurements and instrumentation: Standardization for integration into grid codes (Will Shaw, PNNL)
- Use of probabilistic forecasts in the power industry: what should a recommended practice contain? (Pierre Pinson, DTU / Corinna Möhrlen, WEPROG)
- IEA Wind Recommended Practices on Forecast Solution Selection: which areas are not covered sufficiently (John Zack, UL AWS / Jethro Browell, Uni. Strathclyde)
- Uncovering uncertainty origins and development through the modelling chain (Tuhfe Göçmen, DTU / Gregor Giebel, DTU)
Details to follow.
- Workshop invitation document