A message from Alberto Troccoli, Founder & Managing Director, WEMC “We are thrilled to announce our first plenary speakers for ICEM2025 on the Net Zero Emission Target. Renowned experts at the intersection of weather, climate and energy will be joining us to discuss the crucial role that these factors play in accelerating the transition to a more sustainable and resilient energy future. Get ready to gain invaluable insights into the challenges and opportunities involved in meeting this goal while ensuring energy security. Register now to hear from the best in the field and join the conversation on how we can build a better future.”
Invited Speakers
Sue Ellen Haupt Senior Scientist and Deputy Director at National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR); Non-Exec. Director, WEMC
Scientific & Programme Organising Committee
The organisation of ICEM 2025 wouldn’t be possible without the expertise of our integral science and programme organising committee, made up of global experts in the field:
- Dr Stefano Alessandrini (NCAR, USA)
- Dr Juan Antonio Añel (CIM, Universidade de Vigo, Spain)
- Dr Pierre Audinet (World Bank, USA)
- Dr Jake Badger (DTU Wind, Denmark)
- Dr Susana Bayo (Energy Systems Centre of INESC TEC, Portugal)
- Dr Hamid Bastani (WMO)
- Dr Hannah Bloomfield (University of Bristol, UK)
- Ms Roberta Boscolo (WMO)
- Dr David Brayshaw (University of Reading, UK)
- Mr Christian Brose (Uniper Global Commodities SE, Germany)
- Dr Carlo Buontempo (ECMWF, UK)
- Mr Simon Camal (MinesParisTech, France)
- Dr Steve Dorling (UEA/WeatherQuest, UK)
- Dr Laurent Dubus (RTE/WEMC, France)
- Prof. John Dutton (Prescient Weather Ltd, USA)
- Dr. Jan Dutton (Prescient Weather Ltd, USA)
- Mr James Fallon (University of Reading, UK)
- Dr Gregor Giebel (DTU, Denmark)
- Dr Prashant Goswami (CSIR, India)
- Dr Don Gunasekera (Deakin Universiy, Australia)
- Prof Gareth Harrison (The University of Edinburgh, UK)
- Dr Alain Heimo (ex-Meteotest, Switzerland)
- Dr Sue Ellen Haupt (NCAR/WEMC, USA)
- Dr Detlev Heinemann (Oldenburg University, Germany)
- Dr Tao Hong (University of North Carolina, USA)
- Mr Carsten Hoyer-Klick (DLR, Germany)
- Dr Georges Kariniotakis (MINES ParisTech, France)
- Mr. Ben Hutchins (University of Reading, UK)
- Mr Trevor Lee (Energy Partners, Australia)
- Dr Jared Lee (NCAR, USA)
- Dr Pascal Mailier (Royal Meteorological Institute, Belgium)
- Dr Rochelle Schneider Dos Santos (European Space Agency, Italy)
- Mr Karthik Mukkavilli (UNSW & CSIRO, Australia)
- Dr Marisol Osman (KIT, Germany)
- Mr Pierre Pinson (Imperial College, UK)
- Dr David Pozo Vázquez (University of Jaén, Spain)
- Dr David Renné (ISES, USA)
- Mr Mohammed Sadeck (ClimDevAfrica)
- Mr Yves-Marie Saint-Drenan (Mines Paris Tech, France)
- Prof Roberto Schaeffer (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
- Dr Marion Schroedter-Homscheidt (DLR, Germany)
- Dr Justin Sharp (Sharply Focused, USA)
- Dr Manajit Sengupta (NREL, Colorado, USA)
- Mr Wes Stein (CSIRO, Australia)
- Mr Jess Torpey (Uniper, Germany)
- Dr Alberto Troccoli (WEMC/ICS, UK/Italy, Chair and ICEM 2025 Convener)
- Dr James Wilczak (NOAA, USA)
- Dr Jan Wohland (ETH, Switzerland)
- Mr Matthew Wright (Royal Meteorological Society and University of Oxford, UK)
- Dr Ziniu Xiao (State Key Laboratory of Numerical Modeling for Atmospheric Sciences and Geophysical Fluid Dynamics (LASG), Institute of Atmospheric Physics (IAP), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS)