• Alberto Troccoli
    November 14, 2019 at 3:22 pm #10398
    Location flexible: London, Stockholm, Amsterdam Job ID: 318
    The Sustainability Intern will support our sustainability experts by conducting research tasks related to advisory for the financial sector, corporate sustainability, public advisory. This includes sustainable supply chains, climate risks and opportunities, clean technology, and renewable energy. Support our team with the preparation of deliverables for mandates and business development products.

    Key tasks and responsibilities

    • Execution of research tasks in areas related to sustainability
    • Support in preparing project deliverables and proposals related to South Pole’s sustainability topics
    • Seek, organise and generate data
    • Support our team with the preparation of deliverables for mandates and business development products

    Profile requirements

    • A university degree in Environmental Science, Environmental Engineering, Political Sciences, or related disciplines. A Master’s degree will be an advantage.
    • Independent and pro-active worker who is diligent and reliable.
    • Excellent research, analytical and methodological skills.
    • Fully comfortable in conducting research tasks and creating reports.
    • Excellent oral and written command of English and German.
    • Previous work experience is an advantage but not mandatory.
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