Every year, the international climate-change community gathers at a different location to advance global efforts to curb climate change. This is more than negotiations among diplomats, it is an [...]
Positive outcome on SECLI-FIRM webinar coinciding with UNESCO World Conference on Education Education is crucial in promoting climate action. It helps the public understand the climate crisis [...]
Projects are at the core of WEMC work, and we lead on stakeholder engagement, communications and exploitation of results for the EU H2020 SECLI-FIRM Project, now in its final year. SECLI-FIRM [...]
In only a few months, the coronavirus pandemic has upended the daily lives of many people around the world. With no exception the WEMC team had to adapt to the new environment after the World [...]
Projects are at the core of WEMC work and we are the lead on stakeholder engagement, communications and exploitation of results for the EU H2020 SECLI-FIRM Project. On Thursday 3 September 2020 [...]
After an intense 12 months working on the C3S Climate & Energy Education Demonstrator referred to as ‘Edu Demo’ the WEMC team is proud to have successfully completed it.
Hosted online 19 May 2020 The 3rd Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) Symposium for the Energy Sector workshop, organised by the World Energy and Meteorology Council (WEMC), provided the [...]
Learn about the seasonal forecast science, the decision making and the trial climate service during a free, online Workshop on 15 June 2020 from 9:00-14:00 (UTC). The event welcomes participants [...]