WEMC’s Special Interest Groups (SIGs) exist to bring together expert thinkers and ‘movers-and-shakers’ to enhance and strengthen the Energy-Meteorology nexus. We currently have four SIGs, but hope more will be developed. The descriptions give some examples of what each SIG aims to achieve.
Data Exchange, Access and Standards
Data is key to design, build and validate effective products and services for the energy sector. Meteorological data has reached a high level of quality and availability due to the worldwide collaboration among national meteorological services and intergovernmental organisations, under the leadership of World Meteorological Organization (WMO). Energy data are not at the same level of achievement, as no unique approach, standards, formats has yet been established.
This SIG aims to evaluate and develop best practices and standards for the collection, structure and exchange of relevant data; web-based standard, open, inter-operable platforms for the dissemination of data; funding solutions for-long-term development and maintenance of databases; and intellectual property issues.
Energy and Meteorology Education
This SIG aims to identify programs in research, industry and entrepreneurship that address knowledge and skill gaps in Energy & Meteorology education. The SIG also aims to include school pupils and students in their vision, ensuring that young people have robust knowledge, understanding and skills that enable them to pursue the Energy & Meteorology nexus agenda further as they become the next stewards of our planet. Visit the dedicated Education SIG page to find out more.
Grid Integration
The purpose of this SIG is to identify information and grid integration tools needed for the development of renewable energy (e.g. wind, solar, hydro). For example, information from short-term renewable-energy forecasts to make best use of the available power system operations tools and anticipate the needs for uncertainty information from probabilistic forecasts for the next generation of operations tools.
Weather and Climate Forecast/Projections for Energy
Amongst other aims, this SIG evaluates the perceived and actual level of ‘accuracy’ of seasonal climate forecast and climate projections for energy, and looks to establish the minimum requirements of ‘accuracy’ and uncertainty to be able to consider seasonal climate forecast and climate projections into energy operations and planning.
If you are interested in any of our Special Interest Groups or to find out more, contact us at members@wemcouncil.org