ICEM 2019 Workshop: Data Exchanges, Access and Standards

Workshop Title: ICEM 2019 Workshop: Data Exchanges, Access and Standards – New data in energy applications, how to build efficient integrations and reduce renewable volatility planning 
When: Wednesday 26th June 11:15-13:05 CEST
Where: DTU Lyngby Meeting Centre, Building 101, Room S1

Session description:
Over the last 5-10 years there has been a significant increase in renewable energy capacity that has led to a change in a different kind of weather intelligence by the Energy Industry to balance the energy in the short term. Nowcasting information has become an essential ingredient. Over a similar time period there has been an explosion of nowcasting data available to weather service providers, some from more conventional routes such as satellites and radar and some from more unconventional sources such as mobile phones, vehicles etc. In order to work together for both the Energy and Meteorology sectors there is now a bigger challenge to handle new data types and handle these to deliver the services that are needed now and in the future. The purpose for this session, in cooperation with the Royal Meteorological Society, is to understand the requirement and explore how that can be achieved, focusing on the data aspects (collection, access, sharing, formats etc), which will be one of the main focuses of WEMC’s Special Interest Group on Data Exchanges, Access and Standards. An outcome of the session is to establish recommendations for the benefit of both sectors.

Target attendees:
Academia, research organizations, SMEs and end-users

Session lead (moderator):
Liz Bentley
Chief Executive, Royal Meteorological Society

Schedule (click to expand):

11:15 - 11:20 Introduction

Chair – Prof Liz Bentley

11:20-12:00 Presentations

This session features three talks which will stimulate ideas and discussion.

Challenges to Improve Predictions in the Renewable Sector – Shanti Majithia (Director of Energy and Climate Advisory Services (UK) & RMetS Fellow)

Exploring the requirements of the energy sector with a focus on the challenges and opportunities to the renewable sector and how to improve on predictions both now and in the future. The talk will focus on solar, wind and tidal and look at the current meteorological parameters used/available to the sector for prediction, and new data that will become available.

How and Why Data Sharing Should Be Developed – Anna Maria Sempreviva (DTU Wind Energy)

The advancement in the renewable energy field needs innovative solutions in terms of products, services and business models for securing a stable flow of energy to society. This needs integrating data from different sources. On the other hand, Stakeholders generally consider collections of data as assets giving competitive advantage, thus non-accessible and often secrets. To instill confidence on the Open Data and FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Re-usable) data principles in H2020 projects, the European Commission, declared that data must be as open as possible and as closed as necessary.

After initial diffidence, Open and FAIR data principles are increasingly considered with interest, as it is becoming clear that sharing data can multiplying the value of owned data by allowing re-use for multiple applications; moreover sharing data would allow making the workflow from idea to innovation more efficient, thus faster.

In this talk, Dr. Sempreviva will introduce why/how data sharing should be developed, and generalized and present a possible strategy for a controlled data sharing within the FAIR and “as open as possible and as closed as necessary” principles. The idea is simple and based on Information and Organization Retrieval basic concepts: metadata and taxonomies. Tagging Research data allows organizing data in networks of searchable thematic metadata catalogues distributed at different levels while data are kept accessible “on demand”. Data users with ideas can connect with data owners with data, data is findable through a faceted search, but the access of data is controlled. A possible development includes a data market place with different business models for data sharing. This strategy has the potential to make stakeholders visible through data, and to support cross-fertilization by connecting stakeholders from different sectors and disciplines.

Data Difficulties, Dealing with Issues, and Potential Paths Forward to Improve the Wider Use of Data – Sue Ellen Haupt (NCAR/WEMC)

Data sharing can aid situational awareness and enable prediction for the good of all. Some difficulties exist with the lack of data standards in the energy community that hinder the use of those data for the benefit of the industry. We will discuss current difficulties, how we are dealing with those issues, and potential paths forward to improve the wider use of data.

12:00-12:35 Future Challenges/Opportunities

Attendees will be asked to consider the following three challenges:

  1. Identifying gaps: Opportunities to reduce gaps that exist between the different communities. Including knowledge gap between weather data providers and data users. Data sharing. Datasets. Data formats. Data Standards. Knowledge transfer, networking, facilitating transfer of information, pilot studies – proof of concept etc
  1. Observational data – what does the future hold? List of observational data that is coming online and potential use to the energy sector.
  1. Data required to improve resilience. What data is needed to improve resilience?

10 minutes at each ‘station’ then move onto next. Review previous suggestions and add to them. Encourage discuss in smaller groups.

12:35-13:55 Open Discussion

20 mins open discussion summarising suggestions listed under each of the three challenges.

12:55-13:05 Wrap-up, conclusions and follow-on actions


  • Workshop outcomes and summary