The WEMC has been providing key support to the planning and implementation of the Energy Exemplar of the Global Framework for Climate Services (GFCS). GFCS provides a worldwide mechanism for coordinated actions to enhance the quality, quantity and application of climate services. Energy is one of its five priority areas. That is primarily because energy efficiency and generation of renewable energy are sensitive to weather, climate, and water.
WEMC has authored the GFCS Energy Exemplar, which has now been approved by the International Board for Climate Services, and is being used as the roadmap for the implementation of the recently established GFCS-Energy priority area. A newsletter article on the GFCS Energy Exemplar can be read here (click on link).
WEMC has also organised a Summer Course on Climate and Energy sponsored by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and GFCS as well as a Workshop on Climate and Energy in preaparation for a Green Climate Fund proposal.
WEMC continues to collaborate with WMO and GFCS on the implementation of the Energy Exemplar.