• Alberto Troccoli
    November 27, 2019 at 12:39 pm #10527

    Monday 18th November: Data SIG Meeting

    Link to the minutes: https://1drv.ms/b/s!AqNXayFZWY1OgYsy5goPjMvP15gDlA?e=Za5mT5

    Action items are highlighted YELLOW. Action items for individuals were agreed in the meeting. Action items for everyone are always optional, but your contribution to them would be exceptionally helpful. They are:

    • ACTION: ALL – Make use of the WEMC members forum as you see fit – particularly to discuss issues arising from SIG meetings in the ‘Data SIG’ forums.
    • ACTION: ALL – Doodle poll now live for w/b 17th February. There is no urgency to complete now and a reminder will go out in the new year when we all have a better sense of our schedules. https://doodle.com/poll/49b7xdcafb8nbmrk
    • ACTION: KR will set up some Data SIG forum topics based on discussable items that have arisen from this meeting. ALL at their convenience to engage in those discussions whether it is a sentence or two, sharing links etc…

    Please see the minutes document for the context in which these action items were set.

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